Sinews | 2022 | Embroidered Napkin.

Sinews | 2021 | Shopping List.
Sinews takes its starting place within a shopping list, using this as a location through which to explore a complex meeting of familial care with imperial laced histories of consumption. A stack of used shopping lists; an embroidered napkin; and an image of a fridge magnet accompany this audio work within an installation.

Sinews | 2022 | Embroidered napkin (detail).
Stirring (Tiles) | 2022 | Kitchen tiles, white granulated sugar.

Stirring (Prints) | 2021 | Triptych, narrative texts alongside image of sugar bowl with cast teaspoon handle.
Stirring is an installation of prints and sculpture highlighting sugar as a domestic object holding significant colonial histories, whilst falling into a domestic background. A history of sugar being systematically refined to be as white as possible, specifically for a European visual palette is in focus. To whiten refined sugar does not enhance the taste, this alteration was solely related to an association between whiteness, purity and status.

Conversations Around Tea | 2020 | Cast teaspoon handle, on used kitchen roll.
Conversations Around Tea develops an investigation into the habitual consumption of tea within a British home, exploring its historical roots within racial and class-based narratives. Work draws upon material narratives to explore experiential understandings of how these histories are embedded within current domestic lives. This piece works in dialogue with the poetic essay Conversation Around Tea: a body extended through domestic things, published here for CRASSH’s 20th anniversary publication.